The last movie that I watched in the cinema is Billionaire.
It's a very inspiring movie, not only for the youngsters but also for adults.
Many valuable lessons can be learnt from this movie.
Me personally like it because I love to eat Tao Kae Noi seaweed and that Top is about my age now, meaning, if he can achieve great success, why can't I. Right.

The real Top Ittipat, a young Billionaire from Thailand, the owner of Tao Kae Noi. He is 26 yo now.

Top n mom.
Lesson I learnt from the movie:
1. Not to stop believing in my own self.
2. Even when other people tell me to stop, I still have to follow my heart and passion.
3. Make goals and achieve them - with due date.
4. Prove to people that I can. Show them. Act that ended with good result, not just words.
5. Always respect parents and the elders and love them even when they have shown poor support before.
6. Take chances and keep challenge myself.
7. Be patient and show integrity.
8. If plan A doesn't work, there are always plan B C D E ...
9. It's ok to be different.
10. Not to think that a job is to small or unworthy.
11. Not to be afraid to make mistakes. Keep making them.
Fave character in the movie:
Note to myself:
1. Buy Billionaire Blue Ray DVD - if there is
2. Force honey to watch the movie
3. Buy Tao Kae Noi the spicy one. Drooling.