Some of u might know this place already.
This is a hotel in Puncak which has a very nice decoration n view, Seruni..
I have stayed tere 3 times. Before u go, make sure u have made room reservatiom, because by weekend, this hotel is a hot spot. I have to booked 3 months prior, because al are fully booked. The last time i went there was 2 weeks ago. The room was booked on April. My dad has booked us another room for September. He has booked in since Mei. Geez. The business is running so well there.
nek.. tadinya gw ga tahu seruni itu apaaan hahahaha pas lo kasih liat foto2nya di sini... ya olloh gw kan pernah dateng cuman buat foto2 hahaha gara2 ga ada kamarnya uda di booked semua nya hahaha...
ReplyDeletejd sept lu mw ksna lg? y Tuhan per3bln y? ntr g plg g jg mw yaa.