(photo grabbed from www.upindanipin.com.my/)
Who doesn't love them!
The story of these adorable twins and their gang is so fun to watch!
They are so funny, so real, and mostly, they got moral lessons for kids who watch them.
Upin n Ipin was first broadcast on September 14, 2007 in TV 9 Malaysia. It was meant to teach kids about Ramadhan. But the viewers loved it and they want more, so Les' Copaque who produced Upin Ipin decided to create more stories. Up till now, it is already the 3rd season and Upin n Ipin is not only broadcasted in Malaysia (TV 9) but also in Indonesia (TPI) and Turki (Hilal TV).
But you can also watch Upin n Ipin in Disney Channel, but the have dubbed to language to English.
I prefer the original version though. Much funnier!
These are the character in Upin n Ipin:
# 1 Upin dan Ipin
# 2 Family
* 2.1 Kak Ros
* 2.2 Opah
(They have lost their parent since they were babies.)
# 3 Friends
* 3.1 Cikgu Jasmin
* 3.2 Jarjit Singh
* 3.3 Mohammad Al Hafezzy (Fizi)
* 3.4 Ehsan bin Azaruddin
* 3.5 Mei Mei
* 3.6 Ismail bin Mail
* 3.7 Susanti
* 3.8 Dzul dan Ijat
* 3.9 Devi
# 4 Another Kampung Durian Resident
* 4.1 Kakek Dalang
* 4.2 Muthu
* 4.3 Rajoo
* 4.4 Salleh
* 4.5 Ah Tong

Of the many characters, I think I am Mei Mei.

yesss.. gw juga jatuh cinta ama upin dan ipin... hehe <3