Today is..
Me and honey are wearing a matching Batik outfit. A dress for me and a shirt for honey.
This morning, I tried making instant oatmeals for breakfast, There were times when I had oatmeal for breakfast everyday, and then one day, I got sick of it.

But now I feel like my cholestherol is pretty high. My back neck often gets stiffed. So I want to start eating this oatmeal back for breakfast. I bought the instant one, so I just need to pour hot water into it. Very easy.

One for me and one for honey. I made mine with milk and banana for topping, whilst honey just want hot water and banana. I liked it.
I also browsed through quakeroats and found this yummy recipes. Yuum!!
I really can't wait to be creative with my own oat =D

Be healthy, be happy!
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