Sunday, May 16, 2010

Away We Go

I hv been away for so long from my lovely blog.
Life has been so packed, ive been running on a track. I dont know which track cause it seems like time keeps on chasing me, and im running, but im going nowhere.

Now i'm back. Just purchased Blogpress from Appstore. The last post was a test. Teehee.

Tiba2 aja saya keinget kata2 si engko penjual mesin jahit di Pangeran Jayakarta, sewaktu dia ngebantah ucapan guru bunka saya, kl pake mesin jahit tu ga usa yg ribet2 n komputerisasi gt. Beli yg simple aja. Gini kata si engko, "E, gw kasi tau lu ya. Jaman uda maju, semua pake komputer. Coba, gw suru lu buat bunga pake mesin jait jaman dulu, lu bingung kan. Nah coba kl pake yg model ini ni (sambil nunjuk si mesin jahit canggih), lu tinggal pencet aja. Lu mau apa tinggal lu pencet. Biar mesin (yg uda pk otak komputer) yang mikir buat lu. Jangan lu yang mikir buat mesin. Kelamaan."

Wow! Saya setuju banget sama si engko. Kita pk teknologi untuk mempermudah, bukan mempersulit.
And that is exactly what i get from thia lovely iphone of mine. It is so clever, it can Does think i dont even know how.
And it ease my life too! In case i need anything, just go to appstore, search, install.
Ah.. Life is good.

So i guess, from now on, i'll b around.
Nothing to promise though.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone 3gs

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